Friday, 2 July 2010

Constitution post agm Nov 2009


1. Name of Club
The Club shall be known as FALKLAND GOLF CLUB and shall be a Non Profit Making Body dedicated to the supply of sporting services.

1.1 Purpose of Club
The Club shall exist for the promotion of the game of golf.

1.2 Number and Definition of Members
The Club shall consist of not more than 500 members in total, as hereinafter defined. All categories of members shall be elected as defined in 2.1 Election of Members, unless otherwise specified in the definition of member category below. The club has to have at least 25 members to be properly constituted.

1.2.1 Ordinary member
Any person, male or female between the ages of 18 and 60 inclusive and shall be elected as defined in 2.1 Election of Members

1.2.2 Junior Member - Category 1
Male or female under the age of 16 on 1st January.
Such Member shall not be entitled to attend meetings, receive any notices nor to be elected to any Office within the Club other than within and as part of the Junior Section.

1.2.3 Intermediate Member - Category 2
Male or female aged 16 or 17 on 1st January.
Such Member shall not be entitled to attend meetings, receive any notices nor be entitled to be elected to any Office within the Club other than within and as part of the Junior Section.

Male Members
On becoming eligible to be an intermediate he will have the right to request (in writing) to play in the appropriate Adult Competitions by first achieving a handicap of 24 or less and with the approval of the relevant Match and Handicap Committee. If accepted, he may no longer participate in Club Junior Competitions, unless they are Open.

Female members
All female members, with a CONGU handicap, are entitled to play in any of the Ladies Club Competitions. However, it is advised that Junior Ladies should seek the advice of the Ladies Match and Handicap Convener, as to when it is advisable for them to participate in Adult Competitions.

1.2.4 Honorary Life Member
Any member may have Honorary Life Membership conferred upon them by a majority vote at an Annual General Meeting. Honorary Life Members shall not be required to pay any annual subscription and will have the full rights of Ordinary Members

1.2.5 Senior Member
Any Ordinary Member attaining the age of 60 on the date annual subscriptions are due (1st January) shall become a Senior Member.

1.2.6 Temporary Member
The General Committee of the Club may grant Temporary Membership, for a restricted period to any person on application to the General Committee and on payment of sums as may be imposed by the General Committee.
Temporary Members shall not have any privilege of introducing visitors, nor take part in the management of the Club and shall not play in any Club competitions.
Holders of Green Fee tickets, for whatever period of time, shall automatically become Temporary Members of the Club for that day and provided they are over 18 years of age can make full use of the facilities of the Clubhouse.

1.2.7 Restricted Playing Member
Any person over 18 years of age may be elected as a Restricted Playing Member under the following rules and restrictions:-
(a) Any Ordinary or Senior Member may apply in writing to the General Committee of the Club to be made a Clubhouse Member.
(b) Such Members shall have been proposed, seconded and accepted by the General Committee under rule 2.1.
(c) Such Member shall be a Restricted Playing Member and shall be precluded from playing on the course except as a paying visitor or concessionary guest.
(d) Such Members shall otherwise be entitled to all the rights and privileges available to Ordinary Members, except that he or she shall not be entitled to be elected to any Office within the Club, nor to vote at any meetings.
(e) That the membership of this category shall not exceed 30% of the total Ordinary Membership of the Club.

1.2.8 Corporate Membership
Membership shall be open to companies or organisations on payment of a negotiated Membership Fee and Guest Ticket Fee, which entitles them to nominate one member of the company or organisation, who shall be granted the facilities of the course and clubhouse, Monday to Friday. The nominated person will, under the negotiated fee, have 30 Guest Green Fee Tickets which may only be used by the nominated person, to introduce his/her guests. Corporate Membership shall not attract voting rights.

1.2.9 Student Membership
Any person over 18 years of age who is in full time education at school, university or college, may apply in writing for this category of membership. Student Members will have no voting rights.

1.2.10 Country Membership
Applicants whose permanent address is more than 50 miles from the clubhouse as measured by the shortest route by road may apply for this category of membership. Country Members will have no voting rights. (see 2.1 ADMISSION).

1.2.11 Employees
Permanent employees of the Club will be granted playing facilities on the course and the use of the clubhouse outwith working hours. Employees who have paid a subscription can attend General or Special Meetings and have voting rights except for matters directly related to their employment, unless suspended as a member.

1.3 Guests

1.3.1 Clubhouse Guests
Ordinary, Honorary and Senior Members may introduce not more than three clubhouse guests at any one time..Where a person on the premises at the invitation of a member of the club and accompanied by that member, is supplied with alcohol when an occasional licence is not in effect, there is to be entered in a book kept for the purpose
(1) the date in question
(2) the name and address of the person and
(3) the name of the member accompanying the person

A guest will not be supplied with alcoholic liquor in the clubhouse premises, unless on the invitation and in the company of the member.
Any Ordinary, Honorary or Senior member or group of such members may book the Clubhouse for a Private Function, provided it falls into the category of being for a celebration of a member, or a family occasion related to members of their immediate family.
Other than when an occasional licence has effect, no person is to be supplied with alcohol on the club premises unless that person is a member of another club which meets requirements of section 125(1) of Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.

1.3.2 Playing Guests (The concessionary ticket scheme)
Ordinary, Honorary and Senior members may introduce not more than three playing guests at any one time. The member shall present his/her concessionary ticket at the bar for authorisation by the steward or clubhouse official and the name of each guest must be entered in the playing guest book.

Any non-member may only be accommodated a maximum of six times in any year as a playing guest under the concessionary ticket scheme. The member must play the course with his/her guest/s.

Members are entitled to purchase two concessionary tickets per year.

Under item 1.2.6, playing guests become temporary members and have full use of clubhouse facilities.

2. Membership

2.1 Election of Members
Every candidate for admission as a Member of the Club shall be proposed by one Member and seconded by another Member. The name and address of the candidate together with the names of the proposer and seconder, shall be displayed in the club premises for at least one week before their election and an interval of not less than two weeks must elapse between nomination and election.
Election shall be by ballot of the General Committee of the Club and admittance shall be by simple majority vote. A candidate who is rejected shall not be proposed again within a period of twelve months. On election, a candidate shall be notified by the Secretary who will furnish a copy of the rules of the Club.

2.2 Resignations
Any Member wishing to withdraw from the Club, must give written notice to the Secretary not later than 31st December. Any Member failing to give such notice, shall be liable for the subscription for the following year.

2.3 Entry Fee and Subscription

The Annual Subscription shall be the amount fixed at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. Any member whose subscription is unpaid on the last day of January will cease to be a Member of the Club but will remain liable for such subscription and any levies that may be due for that year. Reinstatement on payment of all arrears will be subject to a majority ballot of the General Committee of the Club. The rate of the Subscription shall be as prescribed in the last published schedule to these rules.

2.4 Membership Year
The Membership Year of the Club shall begin on 1st January and end on 31st December.

3. Management

3.1 General Committee
General Committee
The business affairs of the Club shall be under the management of the General Committee of the Club. The General Committee shall consist of The Captain, Vice-captain, Treasurer and Secretary and nine Ordinary Members, giving a total of thirteen committee members of whom 50% plus 1 shall form a quorum and in addition, the Ladies Captain and the Senior Section Captain, in so far that they are not already members of the General Committee shall be additional Ex Officio Members. The Captain, whom failing, the Vice-captain, whom failing, any Member appointed by the Meeting, shall preside and shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote. The General Committee shall meet monthly. Minutes shall be kept by the Secretary or appointed deputy and in the event of a division taking place, the vote shall be taken by a show of hands or a card vote at the discretion of the Chairman and the declaration of the chairman shall be final.
The General Committee will have the power to declare, any member who is absent for three consecutive committee meetings without reasonable cause, as having resigned from the committee.

3.2 Sub-Committees
The General Committee shall at the first meeting held after its election each year, appoint Sub-Committees as necessary from time to time. All these Sub-Committees shall have such powers and functions as may be delegated to them by the General Committee. The Captain and Vice-Captain shall be Ex Officio. Members of all Sub-Committees shall appoint a Convener from amongst their number, who will report all business of the Sub-Committee to the General Committee.

3.3 Election to Committee
The Captain, Vice-captain, Secretary and Treasurer and one third of the Members of the General Committee shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election. Such retirals from and elections to the General committee, shall take place at the Annual General Meeting. The General Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies occurring in their number during the year. Any Member so appointed, will serve until the next Annual General Meeting, at which he/she will be eligible for election to the General Committee.

3.3.1 Proposals for Election
In the case of proposals for election of Captain, Vice-Captain, or for Membership of the General Committee, the following procedure shall apply. A notice shall be placed on the Club notice board 4 weeks before the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting, requesting the names and signatures of Members duly proposed and seconded and the names and signatures of proposer and seconder. A Nominee properly proposed and seconded on the notice, will take preference over a Nominee from the floor. Nominations from the floor will only be accepted if called for by the Chair.

3.4 Ladies Section
The Lady Members will prepare suitable rules and will, from their number, appoint a Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary and Treasurer and a Committee consisting of the foregoing four Office Bearers and elected Members. All matters pertaining to the Ladies, so far as not incorporated in the Club Constitution and Rules, shall be dealt with by the said Committee, who shall have such powers as may be competently remitted to them by the Lady Members in terms of their said rules. The appointment of the Ladies Secretary and Treasurer will be subject to ratification at the Annual General Meeting of the Club.

3.5 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in the autumn of each year, as near as possible to the anniversary of the first Annual General Meeting. Notice of the meeting, copies of the agenda and the independently reviewed accounts for the previous year, shall be circulated to each Member at least fourteen days prior to the meeting. In the event of a division taking place, the vote shall be taken by a show of hands unless at least two Members present demand that a vote be by ballot. Twenty five members shall form a quorum at an Annual General Meeting.

3.5.1 Notice of Resolutions (A.G.M.)
Notice of any resolutions to be brought before the Annual General Meeting, shall be given to the Secretary 28 days (4weeks) prior to the date fixed for the A.G.M.

3.6 Special General Meeting
A Special General Meeting of the Club shall be called at any time by the General Committee, or upon the requisition of not fewer than twenty five Members of the Club. Such a requisition must be addressed to the Captain or Secretary and must specify the resolution/s to be submitted to the Special General Meeting. The General Committee shall be bound to call the meeting within six weeks of the first General Committee Meeting following receipt of the requisition. Every such meeting shall be called by circular notice, not less than seven days prior to the meeting and stating the purpose of the meeting. Twenty five Members shall form a quorum at a Special General Meeting.

3.7 Regulations
The General Committee shall have the power to make, both as regards to the course and clubhouse, such regulations, local rules and bye-laws as may be considered necessary for the full and efficient conduct of the affairs of the Club. Such regulations, rules and bye-laws shall be binding on every Member until set aside by a General Meeting of the Club.

No member of the committee or other governing body and no person employed by the club is to have any personal interest in the sale of alcohol on the club premises or in the profits arising from such sale.

3.7.2 Payment in Cash or by Cheque
No Member shall in any circumstances incur a cash debt to the Club or the Steward. All expenses shall be defrayed before the Member leaves the Clubhouse.

3.7.3 Club Property
No Member shall remove from the clubhouse for any purpose whatsoever, any property of the Club, without permission of the Office Bearers. Breakage or damage to club property caused by a Member, shall be notified immediately to the Secretary or an Office Bearer and paid for.

3.7.4 Complaints
No Member, in his/her private capacity, shall in any circumstances reprimand a servant of the Club. All complaints other than those of a trivial or non-recurring nature, shall be made in writing to the Secretary in order that they be submitted to the Committee.

3.7.5 Actions
The Club shall have full power and authority in all questions between it and any of the Members to sue and to be sued, in the name of the Captain and the Secretary thereof for the time being and no Member shall, in any action raised against him by the Club, be entitled to object to, or impugn such instance.

3.7.6 Notices
No notice of any kind shall be placed on any of the notice boards of the Club, except by the authority of a member of the Committee.

3.7.7 List of Members
An alphabetical list of members and a list of Committee shall be displayed in the clubhouse. Members shall, without delay, communicate to the Secretary, any changes of address or telephone number.

3.7.8 Compliance with Regulations
Members on paying their subscription shall be considered to have submitted themselves to the regulations of the Club.
The General Committee of the Club by a majority ballot, may suspend any Member from exercising his/her privileges as a Member of the Club, or if deemed proper, expel any Member from the Club if their conduct appears to the General Committee to be contrary to the character, interests or good order of the Club or, if they have acted in defiance of the regulations of the Club. Such Member shall have right of audience before the General Committee, prior to a decision to expel or suspend being implemented.

3.7.9 Amendment to Regulations
The rules of the Club shall not be added to or amended, except at a General Meeting. The majority required to carry such additions or amendments, shall be two thirds of the Members present and voting.

3.8 Honorary President
The members, by a majority vote or ballot at any General Meeting, may appoint a Member to be Honorary President. The Honorary President will become a Member of the General Committee, with such powers and duties as that Committee may fix from time to time, until either he/she retires or the appointment is terminated by the Members at a General Meeting.

3.9 Office Bearers: Council: Trustees: Directors
a) No office bearer shall rent or lease land to the club.
b) No office bearer shall be a relative, business partner or person acting
under the direction of any person leasing or renting land to the club.
c) No office bearer shall be a relative, business partner or person acting under
the direction of anyone associated with the club who receives emoluments
based on the turnover of any aspect of club activity.

4. Finance

4.1 Financial Year
The financial year of the Club shall be from 1st September to 31st August the following year.

4.2 Keeping of accounts
The Treasurer, under the instruction of the General Committee, shall receive and disburse all monies due to and by the Club. The Treasurer will keep full and proper accounts of all financial transactions of the Club and shall prepare the Annual Statement of Accounts each year, for examination by an independent accountant and presentation to the Annual General Meeting of the Club. The Treasurer shall be custodian of the funds of the Club and along with the Captain, Vice Captain and Secretary, shall have authority to operate the Club’s bank accounts.

4.3 Financial Involvement
The General Committee acting as Trustees for the Members of the Club, have the power to borrow up to £5,000 from accredited sources for the purpose of increasing the amenities of the Club and all such borrowings shall be binding on every member until set aside at a General Meeting. Borrowings above £5,000 require a sanction from a General Meeting, when they too will become binding on every Member.

4.4 Club Assets
No profits or surpluses will at any time be distributed to members and if upon the winding up or dissolution of the club there remains after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall be given or transferred to some other organisation or organisations, having objects similar to the objects of the club. Such organisation or organisations to be determined by the members of the club by resolution passed at a General Meeting, at or before the time of the dissolution and insofar as effect cannot be given to such provision, then to some charitable object.

4.5 The Club shall have the power to purchase or lease heritable property and to borrow money on the
security of any property acquired or leased. The title to any land or building purchased by, leased
to or otherwise acquired by the Club shall be taken in the names of the Captain, Vice-Captain and
Secretary for the time being and their successors in office as Trustees for the Club and the Members thereof. All documents signed by the Trustees ex officio on the authority of the General
Committee shall be binding on the Club and all Members thereof.

5. Bye-laws

5.1 The Clubhouse
The clubhouse shall be opened at such hours as the Committee may determine and a note of these hours shall be displayed on the notice board in the Clubhouse. The Committee shall have the power to arrange what meals or other refreshments may be obtained in the clubhouse and the hours during which they may be supplied. The hours of sale of excisable liquor in the clubhouse shall be displayed on the notice board.

5.2 Dogs
No dogs other than guide dogs are allowed on the course or in the clubhouse.

5.3 Golf Bag Discs
Members must obtain and display their Golf Bag Discs and current Membership sticker at all times when playing on the course.

5.4 Practice on course
No person may practice on the course except at the nets or on the putting area provided for the purpose.

5.5 Visiting Clubs
In the event of any Club being granted permission to hold a competition over the course, the 1st tee will be reserved. At the 10th tee, members waiting to play shall have the right to play alternately with visitors. Private visitors shall have the same standing as visiting clubs.

5.6 Damage
Any player or Member causing damage to or observing damage being caused to the course or any of the property or equipment belonging to the Club, must report such instances to the Captain, Vice-Captain or Secretary of the Club.

6 The effective date of this revised Constitution of Falkland Golf Club shall be 19th November 2009

The Club Rules are attached.


1. The Rules of Golf as published from time to time shall be made, altered and applied by R & A Rules Limited. These will be the Rules of Play in conjunction with Local Rules established and adopted by the Committee.

2. Any member found in serious breach of these rules will render themselves liable to disciplinary action.

3. 1 & 10 holes have priority on the course. All golfers playing 9 & 18 must give way to golfers who are on the 1 or 10 tee.

4 Players completing nine holes are entitled to alternate places on the tenth tee.

5 In competitions, ties take priority over all other matches including tee off.

6. Competition dates for each round of all competitions will be clearly shown on the draw sheet.

7. Rules of Challenge:

a) The first named person in each tie is the challenger.
b) The challenger must offer 3 dates, one of which must be a Saturday or Sunday the first and last dates being no less than 10 days apart.
c) Failure to play by the stipulated date may result in both competitors being scratched from the competition. It is suggested that the challenged should make contact with the challenger to agree a mutual date.
d) The loser of the tie should enter the result on the draw sheet immediately after the completion of the tie

8. All competitions must be played from medal tees unless otherwise stated.

9. Starting times as per the starting sheet for competitors must be strictly adhered to unless at the discretion of the committee.

10. Failure to attend for competition without notification may result in a written warning and finally it may result in disqualification from ALL events under the auspices of Falkland Golf Club.


All players are responsible for checking the conditions of competition prior to playing any tie. These conditions will be posted on the notice board beside the draw. The conditions are set by the relevant match and handicap convener and committee.

12. All disputes shall be referred to Match and Handicap Committee whose decision will be final. All disputes re Ladies competitions should be referred to the Ladies Committee.

13. No returns must be recorded by competitors as if entering a score.

14. All ties must start at the first tee unless otherwise approved by the Committee.

15. Only members entitled to play the links are entitled to enter competitions.

16. Competition scorecards, cannot be signed by non member of the club (except for Invitation and Open competitions) and a Junior Male may only sign the card if he is eligible to play in the competition.
Ladies Rules permit a non member of the club to sign the cards provided they are an annual playing member of a recognised golf club and have, or have had an LGU handicap.

17. Juniors may not play before 12 midday on Saturdays and Sundays unless accompanied by an Adult member.

18. Fourball play will not be permitted on the course, during the day of an Official Club Competition, with the exception of Club Members playing an Official Club Fourball Competition.

19. Members are reminded to read the notices regarding the rules and regulations for entering Competitions.

All Members are expected to observe the R & A Rules of Etiquette

• Players should not play till players in front of them are out of range.

• Players should always show consideration for others and not disturb their play by moving, talking or unnecessary noise. Players should ensure that any electronic device taken on to the course does not distract other players.

• Play at a good pace and keep up.

• Players should be ready to play as soon as it is their turn to play.

• If a player believes his ball may be lost outside a water hazard or is out of Bounds, to save time, he should play a provisional ball.

The game of golf relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and abide by the rules. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be. This is the spirit of the game of golf

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